Why Study? I Finished It All When I Was Younger?

There has always been the traditional path of life that either our parents or society said we should take.
1. Go to school
2. Leave school and either go to university or undergo an apprenticeship
3. Get a job
4. Work for 40 – 50 years while buying a house and growing a family
5. Retire and pass your life wisdom onto younger people as to how they should go through life
The truth of the matter is, there is no right way to progress through life. Every person’s situation is different and can change at the drop of a hat. So all we can do is learn on the go and from the mistakes we make along the way. Because, one thing we should never stop doing till the day we die, is learning.
Traditionally, most people do the bulk of their studies in the first 21 years of life. They then head off to work, get tied down with life responsibilities and don’t take the time to continue developing. “Why study? I finished it all when I was younger”, people say.
The world is changing so rapidly, that we must continue to learn, study and adapt. For instance, I completed a Bachelor of Commerce- Marketing a little over 10 years ago. This was before the rise of social media as a marketing tool. Now it forms a key part of most business marketing strategies.
Here are my 3 tips as to how you can learn, study and adapt throughout your career:
1. Pick an option to suit your life – Education institutions are now extremely flexible, catering for full-time workers. Online learning platforms are well developed as well as discussion forums to ensure you still interact with other students.
2. Utilise your time – Study does not need to take over your life, if you utilise your time well. Use that hour on the train to work in the morning to read over notes. If it’s a rainy Sunday afternoon, catch up on your assignment. It is easier than you think.
3. There are many different levels of study – Just because you are older, doesn’t mean you have to study a Masters or a PHD. Do a short course to brush up on your skills or study a Diploma to learn a new skill. A Masters can be undertaken if you really want to take your career to the next level.
At TDP Learning, we help guide you through further education options to grow your career. Let’s Chat, even if it’s just to bounce some ideas off us.